Vale Mavis Robertson AM

15 March 2015

This afternoon I attended the memorial service for Mavis Robertson AM at the Richmond football club where her ashes have been laid to rest.

Mavis was the architect of Australia’s compulsory super system, a fierce advocate for women and a leading figure in industry superannuation from the early1980's until her retirement last year, having served on many boards, including the construction fund Cbus. She had a big heart, she loved her family, her friends, the industry super movement, the union movement and the Richmond football club (in that order).

The Mother's Day Classic she co-founded, continues to be the largest fundraising event for breast cancer research in the nation, having raised more than $24 million.

This week I will travel to the Gold Coast to attend and present at CMSF, the conference that she started 25 years ago. After hearing all the memoirs spoken today I only hope that I can continue on with some of her outstanding work. 

Vale Mavis Robertson AM (1931-2015)

Happy running x
