Protein, complex carbs and blisters

What if yes was the right answer instead of no? What if what made me do all those things everyone thought i shouldn't have done was what also had got me here? What if I was never redeemed? What if I already was? - WILD

02 February 2015

It's week 3 and I am averaging around 50kms a week of running. I am back into the swing of early morning runs and really enjoy the extra energy they bring to each day. The upside of so much exercise is you can eat more but it is really important to make sure you eat the right things that are giving you energy. My Mum put me on to an excellent nutrition website last week which has been very helpful.
With every up there is a down and that would have to be my feet. I went and saw Wild last week and I could definitely relate to the opening scene where Cheryl pulled off her toenail as that is pretty much the way my feet are fairing at the moment. Might be time to visit the Dr to see if there is any hope for them.

Happy Running x
